Thursday 30 July 2015


PHP Mail Boost is an open source software application that will help you manage your company’s newsletters and mass emails. It includes tons of features for powerful Email Newsletters. It is developed with an intuitive interface and you can manage your mail campaigns without having technical skills. PHP Mail Boost’s responsive web design gives you the ability to manage it from your PC, laptop, tablet or smart-phone with the same usability and easiness.
The Dashboard is the first web page the user will see after the successful login. It contains useful information about the Recipients statistics, Email Statistics, most recent registered recipients, most recent Opened emails etc. The Dashboard page refreshes every 180 seconds to keep information up to date.

Forgot Password?

Forgot Password?

If you forgot your password don’t worry. PHP Mail Boost will send you a new one, when you complete the following fields. You have to set previously the SMTP email account in the Settings section.

Powerful Features for Powerful Newsletters

·         Multilingual support

·       No CC, no BCC, no "undisclosed recipients". Everyone gets their own copy - they can't see who else is receiving the same e-mail.

·        Built-in Editor. An easy & convenient WYSIWYG editor to create an e-mail from scratch.

·        Include Attachments.  Create an HTML template and attach your files to it.

·        Infinite Recipients. Create your own recipients. They will be stored in the database.

·         Email lists. Create your own email lists. 

HTML templates. Easily manage your HTML templates. Create them, clone them and relate multiple email lists to each one.
·         Test Messages. Send a test to yourself before sending it to your audience.

·       Statistics. Powerful Dashboard with charts for sent emails, opened emails, not opened emails, open date and many more.

·         SMTP email. Send e-mails directly from your own SMTP email account.

Send in any language. Send e-mails in English, French, Norwegian, Russian and many more languages.